Historical Society of Walden and the Wallkill Valley


Local History Day 2012



Saturday, March 31, 2012, Walden Municipal Building

Guest Speaker Chuck LaRocca's upcoming new book 

Local History Day 2012
Pieces of our Puzzle

Local Civil War Soldiers
Photos-124th Orange Blossoms
Civil War Soldiers' Reunion-Walden
Close-up of Reunion
Letters Home from the War
More letters home
And more letters home

Thomas W. Bradley

Walden Knife Industry

Thruway Market

Flyers from the event
Celebration-Col.Bradley's Birthday
(Wallkill Valley Cemetery)
Local History Day Program



In the News-2014! Thank you to writer Michael E. Ruane and The Washington Post for this wonderful article about our Civil War Orange Blossoms' Company H (Walden) and Col. Thomas W. Bradley, that ran March 7, 2014. The article has been picked up by other regions of the U.S. and ran on March 9th in the Los Angeles area Daily Breeze! Read The Washington Post article here...






Nova Development Art Explosion