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Mission & Trustees...


The Historical Society of
Walden and the Wallkill Valley

Welcome our newest Trustee, Danny Moore!

The Mission of the Historical Society of Walden and the Wallkill Valley ...

to preserve the Jacob T. Walden House, collect items related to Walden and the Wallkill Valley, and to advance public knowledge of our history, past and present.

Page updated 11-28-23

President: Barbara Imbasciani
Vice President: Anita Vandermark
Secretary: Mary Slater
Treasurer: Patricia Eisley


Patricia Eisley - Treasurer
Richard W. Hoyt
Barbara Imbasciani - President
Sandy Magill
Mary Ellen Matise
Lisa Melville-McIver
Susan Millspaugh
Danny Moore - Welcome!
Howard Oldrey
Nancy Phelps
Mary Slater - Recording Secretary
Anita Vandermark - VP

The Society publishes the Walden House Tattler bi-annually and distributes it free to members.
This website and the The Tattler are volunteer efforts by the members of the Society.

Archivest - Chair: Lisa Melville-McIver
Grounds - Howard Oldrey
Membership - Lisa Melville-McIver
Programs - Anita Vandermark
Ways & Means - Sandra Magill
Website - Gail Yeaple

Walden House Tattler (Newsletter)
Mary Ellen Matise - Current Editor
Past Editors:
Gail Yeaple, Editor Fall 2007-2009; 2019-2022
Patricia Eisley
Ella Orndorf

Temporary haitus, following the passing of Mrs. Ella Orndorff who wrote and edited The Tattler for many years.